I'm back... hahaha... it's been a while that i've been here... again... but i'm happy that i'm here. Panic texters are that fucking stressful... after what happened to Japan's nuclear plant, someone texted me that someone texted her that the radiation wave will hit the Philippines by 4pm and everyone is advised to stay indoors and apply betadine on the thyroid area because radiation damages the thyroid first.
i mean, come on!
As soon as i went home yesterday, i turned on the tv and heard d news that none of the text messages were true. whew! thanks to that!
Going back to Japan, that was a shocker! The earthquake and the tsunami just drove me crazy just watching the TV. it's like liters of water were poured on the house models sold and displayed in malls.
what really bothered me was my brother. he's a seaman and his route is Japan-China and vice versa. lucky thing! they weer in china Thursday night. safe!
Let's pray and hope that Japan can pull through this.
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